▽Peter Gutmann’s Home Page ●08/04 06:00 There's also a longer talk, Why QuantumCryptanalysis is Bollocks, that goes into more detail about, well, thetitle really says it all. When you hear the next "the quantocalypse iscoming, we're all going to die" news report or story, take a few deep breathsand re-read the talk slides.
▽The Apache HTTP Server Project ●07/18 16:50 Apache httpd 2.4.62 Released 2024-07-17¶release of version 2.4.62 of the Apache HTTP Server ("httpd").2.4.62 | Complete ChangeLog for
▽VMware Download Center ●07/15 16:39 Starting approximately Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. (PDT), VMware customers should use the Broadcom Support Portal for all of their self-service licensing and support needs.If you are an End User Computing (EUC) customer, please refer to this knowledge base article for information regarding system and tool migration to EUC hosted systems.Copyright 〓 2005-2024 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved.