▽aoike_ca ●08/10 17:46 4Kids EntertainmentCase StudiesMedia CenterAboutCorporate OverviewCorporate MissionSenior Management TeamServices OverviewLicensingAdvertising/Media BroadcastTV & Film Production/DistributionWebsitesPropertiesInvestor RelationsBoard of DirectorsCorporate GovernanceFilingsPress ReleasesEventsCareersContactIntegrated Brand Management4Kids Entertainment, Inc. is an integrated, f
▽[ 発熱巫女〜ず ] ●08/09 16:18 COMIC MARKET 104 NEW RELEASE “Inner Constellation”Dr.TVが奏でる2曲が電子音楽の星空を照らす。織りなす音の波が、星々の囁きや、宇宙の奥深くに潜む孤独と希望を表現。落ちていく星、導かれる夢、そして心の中に輝く星座たち——それらがリスナーを新たな音楽の旅へと誘う。このアルバムはあなたの内なる星座を映し出し、幻想的な音の世界へと導きます。Dr.TV’s 2 tracks illuminate the electronic night sky. The woven waves of sound express the whispers of the stars, the loneliness hidden deep within the universe, and the hope that lies within. Falling
▽ああ言えば、こう言う ●08/06 02:26 Sorry, we're doing some work on the siteThank you for being patient. We are doing some work on the site and will be back shortly.