▽Open Source Software in Java(tm) ●03/14 00:51 Recent Projects Contact UsQuilt - Quilt is a Java software development tool that measures coverage , the extent to which unit testing exercises the software under test. It is optimized for use with the JUnit unit test package, the Ant Java build facility, and the Maven project management toolkit.J.A.D.E. Java Addition to Default Environment - The JADE library provides \"Context Programmi
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▽Javalobby - Java news, discussions, books, downloads, knowledge ●11/30 08:40 A Bootiful Podcast: Spring Security Engineer Ria Stein by Joshua Long Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long talks to Spring Security engineer Ria Stein. Ria is a new, but impactful, engineer on the Spring Security team working on things like... More This Week in Spring: Thanksgiving Edition by Joshua Long Quick Start: How to Use Spring Cache on Redis by Nikita Koksharov Introduction to S