Spelbinder's Antenna

  1. 2024/03/28 05:10:05 ××君の忘却を抱いて×× 水希 is my friend who came NZ once before
  2. 2024/01/27 01:39:41 3hr+++ My own diary ^ ^
  3. 2022/04/26 10:52:20 そると・あんど・ぺっぱぁ しゃな is also living in NZ and complaining ^ ^
  4. 2020/03/03 05:50:13 Lee-ji SPsp Lee-ji is my friend who is also trying to keep her diary in English
  5. 2015/06/01 03:56:34 FOOT STEPS!! jiuxion is my friend who came to NZ once.