
drosdrosdrosのアンテナ RSS OPML

  1. 2024/12/22 02:07:43 (台湾) 財政部
  2. 2024/12/22 01:53:42 (NZ) Motu Economic and Public Policy Research
  3. 2024/12/22 01:09:27 Prime Minister of Australia
  4. 2024/12/22 00:37:14 (US) Economic Policy Institute
  5. 2024/12/22 00:35:45 Inspector General of Taxation
  6. 2024/12/22 00:25:34 (US) Council On State Taxation
  7. 2024/12/22 00:16:06 (AUS) The Australia Institute
  8. 2024/12/22 00:02:39 Senate
  9. 2024/12/21 23:57:16 (US) Heritage Foundation
  10. 2024/12/21 23:17:43 CRS Reports - University of North Texas Digital Library
  11. 2024/12/21 23:15:03 (US) Tax Foundation
  12. 2024/12/21 22:47:53 TTB - Alcohol & Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
  13. 2024/12/21 21:26:51 Australian Bureau of Statistics
  14. 2024/12/21 21:04:25 Official Documents.gov.uk
  15. 2024/12/21 21:03:49 (US) Hudson Institute
  16. 2024/12/21 20:23:38 (NZ) NZ Institute of Economic Research
  17. 2024/12/21 19:25:13 (US) Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
  18. 2024/12/21 19:17:33 Department of Health
  19. 2024/12/21 18:39:50 (UK) Adam Smith Institute
  20. 2024/12/21 18:01:42 (US) Third Way
  21. 2024/12/21 17:29:47 BEA - Bureau of Economic Analysis
  22. 2024/12/21 17:16:31 The Treasury
  23. 2024/12/21 17:14:50 (US) Hoover Institution
  24. 2024/12/21 16:59:20 (UK) Institute for Fiscal Studies
  25. 2024/12/21 16:21:09 Centrelink
  26. 2024/12/21 16:13:00 (US) National Bureau of Economic Research
  27. 2024/12/21 16:03:57 (US) Urban Institute
  28. 2024/12/21 15:38:24 Legislation.gov.uk
  29. 2024/12/21 15:28:24 (AUS) Institute of Public Affairs Australia
  30. 2024/12/21 15:07:16 日本経済研究センター(JCER)
  31. 2024/12/21 14:56:13 日本経済研究所
  32. 2024/12/21 14:12:46 Office of Public Sector Information
  33. 2024/12/21 14:03:47 BAILII
  34. 2024/12/21 13:05:02 (UK) Taxation Web
  35. 2024/12/21 12:45:47 House of Representatives
  36. 2024/12/21 12:15:00 CBO - Congressional Budget Office
  37. 2024/12/21 11:48:17 大阪大学社会経済研究所
  38. 2024/12/21 11:17:27 Parliamentary Budget Office
  39. 2024/12/21 11:07:02 (UK) Centre for Economic Policy Research
  40. 2024/12/21 10:28:31 (GER) ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research
  41. 2024/12/21 10:08:22 Parliament
  42. 2024/12/21 09:48:17 (NZ) VUW - Victoria University of Wellington
  43. 2024/12/21 08:59:54 (NZ) Maxim Institute
  44. 2024/12/21 08:43:51 Parliament of Canada - Green Papers
  45. 2024/12/21 08:01:28 (US) Brookings Institution
  46. 2024/12/21 07:06:21 EUR-Lex
  47. 2024/12/21 06:16:50 (AUS) ANU - Australian National University
  48. 2024/12/21 05:34:45 ニッセイ基礎研究所
  49. 2024/12/21 03:23:51 EU
  50. 2024/12/21 02:53:52 (UK) Policy Exchange
  51. 2024/12/21 02:47:27 (US) Institute for New Economic Thinking
  52. 2024/12/21 01:22:14 Department of the Treasury - Office of Tax Policy
  53. 2024/12/21 00:44:30 (US) Center for Economic & Policy Research
  54. 2024/12/21 00:42:31 HM Revenue & Customs
  55. 2024/12/20 22:58:59 HM Treasury
  56. 2024/12/20 21:34:38 (CAN) CSLS - Centre for the Study of Living Standards
  57. 2024/12/20 20:03:49 東京財団
  58. 2024/12/20 19:54:47 一橋大学経済研究所
  59. 2024/12/20 19:11:38 (台湾) 行政院主計總處
  60. 2024/12/20 15:40:47 National Library of Australia
  61. 2024/12/20 14:43:07 (GER) CESifo Group Munich
  62. 2024/12/20 13:04:39 Australian Taxation Office
  63. 2024/12/20 12:56:07 (US) Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy (ITEP)
  64. 2024/12/20 12:37:37 EU - Taxation and Customs Union
  65. 2024/12/20 10:04:31 JETROアジア経済研究所
  66. 2024/12/20 09:34:21 (US) Institute for Policy Studies
  67. 2024/12/20 07:16:15 USC - United States Code
  68. 2024/12/20 04:59:00 (US) Mercatus Center (George Mason University)
  69. 2024/12/20 04:57:09 Productivity Commission
  70. 2024/12/20 04:43:32 (US) Milken Institute
  71. 2024/12/20 03:21:05 (US) Center on Budget & Policy Priorities
  72. 2024/12/20 02:49:13 House Committee on Ways & Means
  73. 2024/12/19 22:21:49 U.S. Chamber of Commerce
  74. 2024/12/19 21:46:10 Senate Committee on Finance
  75. 2024/12/19 19:55:08 (AUS) Centre for Independent Studies
  76. 2024/12/19 16:41:03 GAO - Government Accountability Office
  77. 2024/12/19 12:39:10 (UK) Chartered Institute of Taxation
  78. 2024/12/19 10:26:43 (AUS) South Australian Centre for Economic Studies - Univ of Adelaid
  79. 2024/12/19 06:27:24 GPO - Government Printing Office
  80. 2024/12/19 05:01:04 (シンガポール) Statistics Singapore
  81. 2024/12/19 04:46:58 (US) Pew Research Center
  82. 2024/12/19 01:51:04 法政大学比較経済研究所
  83. 2024/12/19 01:30:40 Parliament of Canada
  84. 2024/12/19 00:34:56 (NLD) Tinbergen Institute
  85. 2024/12/18 08:06:55 Australian National Audit Office
  86. 2024/12/18 07:15:37 (中国) National Bureau of Statistics of China
  87. 2024/12/18 06:54:08 (UK) Centre for Economic & Business Research
  88. 2024/12/18 04:02:58 (AUS) University of Sydney
  89. 2024/12/18 02:20:51 自治体国際化協会(CLAIR)
  90. 2024/12/17 21:21:11 日本租税研究協会
  91. 2024/12/17 20:22:05 (UK) Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
  92. 2024/12/17 20:20:14 (US) Bipartisan Policy Center
  93. 2024/12/17 03:05:26 (NZ) VUW - Victoria Business School
  94. 2024/12/17 01:18:33 australia.gov.au
  95. 2024/12/15 05:39:17 JCT - Joint Committee on Taxation
  96. 2024/12/14 21:45:52 IRS - Internal Revenue Service
  97. 2024/12/14 18:18:30 (US) Center for American Progress
  98. 2024/12/14 14:29:44 京都大学経済研究所
  99. 2024/12/14 11:55:16 (AUS) Tax Institute
  100. 2024/12/14 08:14:47 Council for the Australian Federation
  101. 2024/12/12 07:58:30 CFE - Confederation Fiscale Europeene
  102. 2024/12/11 21:35:35 経済産業研究所(RIETI)
  103. 2024/12/11 10:34:29 White House
  104. 2024/12/07 20:53:23 Parliamentary Library
  105. 2024/12/07 02:17:19 大和総研
  106. 2024/12/06 08:27:45 Commonwealth Grants Commission
  107. 2024/12/02 03:23:24 ジャパン・タックス・インスティチュート
  108. 2024/11/29 00:54:21 Department of Human Services
  109. 2024/11/27 22:39:20 りそな総合研究所
  110. 2024/11/27 04:26:43 TSO
  111. 2024/11/25 17:16:56 HM Courts & Tribunals Service
  112. 2024/11/22 01:49:46 EITC Central
  113. 2024/11/17 19:02:12 U.S. Internal Revenue Code
  114. 2024/11/17 09:28:10 Parliament of Australia
  115. 2024/11/14 18:30:08 (AUS) Brisbane Institute
  116. 2024/11/09 13:26:23 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
  117. 2024/11/08 21:32:12 COAG - Council of Australian Governments
  118. 2024/11/08 17:46:34 OMB - Office of Management & Budget
  119. 2024/10/26 18:50:41 ComLaw
  120. 2024/10/25 17:55:25 Business Roundtable
  121. 2024/10/25 12:55:43 プライスウォーターハウスクーパース(PwC)
  122. 2024/10/25 01:44:10 三菱総合研究所(MRI)
  123. 2024/10/14 03:38:12 (NZ) VUW - Welfare Working Group
  124. 2024/10/13 16:35:47 (NZ) VUW - School of Economics and Finance
  125. 2024/10/13 09:39:48 (NZ) VUW - Tax Working Group
  126. 2024/10/12 05:44:08 (NZ) VUW - Centre for Accounting, Governance and Taxation Research
  127. 2024/10/11 20:21:44 (NZ) VUW - School of Accounting and Commercial Law
  128. 2024/10/05 01:19:14 (US) Tax Policy Center
  129. 2024/09/29 11:42:15 Office of Parliamentary Counsel
  130. 2024/09/28 05:27:17 (US) Tax Analysts
  131. 2024/09/07 09:48:26 AustLII
  132. 2024/08/23 17:38:32 CRS Reports
  133. 2024/07/28 00:15:19 (AUS) Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
  134. 2024/07/25 13:15:40 (AUS) Australian Fabians
  135. 2024/06/20 21:55:04 CRS Reports - Dept. of State website
  136. 2024/06/16 21:48:30 ATO Legal Database
  137. 2024/05/07 22:45:29 National Competition Council
  138. 2024/05/04 05:17:58 Statute at Large
  139. 2024/01/02 08:47:07 第一生命経済研究所
  140. 2023/11/18 12:59:16 EU - Taxes in Europe Database
  141. 2023/10/23 00:18:05 (US) Citizens for Tax Justice
  142. 2023/09/22 01:04:22 (US) RAND Corporation
  143. 2023/08/26 02:35:42 環日本海経済研究所(ERINA)
  144. 2023/07/22 09:32:21 (GER) Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance
  145. 2023/07/21 06:54:05 (AUS) ANU - Research School of Economics
  146. 2023/05/31 17:55:02 Find Law
  147. 2023/04/16 12:54:56 千葉商科大学経済研究所
  148. 2023/04/15 10:51:05 Historical Debates of the Parliament of Canada
  149. 2023/03/11 04:32:07 日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)
  150. 2022/12/04 08:27:29 経済社会総合研究所(ESRI)
  151. 2022/04/09 01:12:36 (GER) RWI - Rheinisch-Westfaelisches Institut
  152. 2022/02/16 01:57:25 (CAN) Canadian Tax Foundation
  153. 2022/02/15 17:20:42 Houses of Parliament_Advanced Search
  154. 2022/02/15 16:16:13 House of Lords Debates - Hansard
  155. 2022/02/15 11:21:47 House of Commons Library Research Papers
  156. 2022/02/15 11:21:47 Sessional Information Digest
  157. 2022/02/13 14:52:33 CRS Reports - Open CRS
  158. 2022/02/12 13:21:35 CRS Reports - University of New Hampshire, School of Law
  159. 2022/01/14 15:41:17 (AUS) Australian Tax Research Foundation
  160. 2022/01/12 08:45:59 EU - Taxation Papers
  161. 2021/12/23 11:17:00 (KOR) Korea Institute of Public Finance
  162. 2021/12/14 09:30:54 Department of Finance
  163. 2021/10/12 17:09:17 (US) American Enterprise Institute
  164. 2021/09/17 02:53:36 (UK) Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation
  165. 2021/08/30 09:17:52 (US) Cato Institute
  166. 2021/08/28 01:25:50 Congress.gov (LC)
  167. 2021/08/18 15:46:28 (NZ) New Zealand Institute
  168. 2021/07/27 00:50:04 CRS - Congressional Research Service
  169. 2021/07/08 22:05:01 オーストラリア政府組織一覧
  170. 2021/07/08 22:03:54 ★イギリス政府組織一覧
  171. 2021/07/08 21:48:09 ★カナダ政府組織一覧
  172. 2021/07/08 17:12:30 英国便り(英国財務省への出向報告)
  173. 2021/07/08 16:28:15 ★アメリカ政府組織一覧
  174. 2021/04/01 16:08:38 みずほ総合研究所
  175. 2021/03/05 12:31:35 (AUS) NATSEM - National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling
  176. 2021/02/24 13:32:17 トーマツ
  177. 2020/12/01 19:52:10 (AUS) University of Tasmania - School of Government
  178. 2020/07/16 16:55:46 (US) Heritage Foundation - Thomas A Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies
  179. 2020/06/02 05:58:48 Elections Canada
  180. 2020/05/27 02:47:28 THOMAS (LC)
  181. 2020/05/13 18:01:15 (UK) Centre for Policy Evaluation - Univ of Nottingham
  182. 2020/01/10 14:07:29 Department of Finance Canada
  183. 2019/10/20 02:28:52 Charity Commission
  184. 2019/07/10 03:05:03 (US) Tax Compliance & Planning (Yale University)
  185. 2018/10/26 09:34:06 大和総研 - 税制 A to Z
  186. 2018/01/19 22:41:19 KPMG Japan
  187. 2017/12/21 00:16:21 CRS新着レポート(在日アメリカ大使館HP)
  188. 2017/12/12 22:14:27 PHP総合研究所
  189. 2016/10/21 00:59:52 (CAN) School of Public Policy, University of Calgary
  190. 2016/09/10 21:56:42 Review of Business Taxation
  191. 2016/06/23 17:17:07 (NZ) Taxagent’s Institute of New Zealand
  192. 2016/05/11 14:34:26 世代間問題研究プロジェクト(一橋大学)
  193. 2016/05/11 09:37:32 (US) Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation
  194. 2016/05/11 09:28:58 COAG Reform Council
  195. 2016/05/11 09:27:57 Board of Taxation
  196. 2015/12/07 23:39:28 LC - Library of Congress
  197. 2013/04/06 03:46:25 Department of the Treasury