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  1. 2024/11/26 09:45:57 TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression含むアンテナおとなりページ

    Jr. Member

  2. 2024/11/23 01:40:46 Natromのブログ含むアンテナおとなりページ


  3. 2024/11/22 06:34:50 コア サーバー お知らせ 1含むアンテナおとなりページ


  4. 2024/11/21 01:16:19 rarewares含むアンテナおとなりページ

    OPUS Bundles updated
    Opus bundles updated to opus-tools 0.2-34-g98f3ddc (using libopus 1.5.2-22-g7db26934)
    GCC 14.2.0 compiles.

  5. 2024/11/19 04:02:37 Web Technologies used by Twitter.com含むアンテナおとなりページ

    W3Techs on LinkedIn Mastodon Bluesky

  6. 2024/11/19 03:26:09 Web Technologies used by Nicovideo.jp含むアンテナおとなりページ

    W3Techs on LinkedIn Mastodon Bluesky

  7. 2024/11/18 04:57:01 Web Technologies used by Yahoo.co.jp含むアンテナおとなりページ

    W3Techs on LinkedIn Mastodon Bluesky

  8. 2024/11/13 10:03:40 Jean-Marc Valin GitLab含むアンテナおとなりページ


  9. 2024/11/07 07:21:35 Fabrice Bellard's Home Page含むアンテナおとなりページ

    precision floating point numbers.
    The TinyPI program computes millions of
    digits of PI.
    last update: November 4, 2024

  10. 2024/11/04 06:44:07 ADC含むアンテナおとなりページ

    and alive. ADC codec arrives at version 0.70 with great innovations in terms
    of audio compression. I managed to insert CBR/ABR style control on the bitrate which allows to obtain interesting results.
    DOWNLOAD version 0.70

  11. 2024/11/02 17:25:39 Listening Tests含むアンテナおとなりページ

    Personal blind listening test – MultiCodec at ~192 VBR kbps
    Started by IgorC
    2024-11-01 18:55:45
    by wyup

  12. 2024/10/31 18:02:41 danluu.com含むアンテナおとなりページ

    10/24Steve Ballmer was an underrated CEO
    10/24Concussions and modern medicine/a>
    07/24Exercises in benchmarking and experimental design, part 2

  13. 2024/10/25 10:33:32 Releases nu774/qaac含むアンテナおとなりページ

    22 Oct 12:41
    v2.83 Latest
    Fixed #104 (behavior of --artwork-size)
    Added support of some recent CAF channel layout

  14. 2024/10/18 00:15:07 Gentoo metalog含むアンテナおとなりページ

    ようするに, これが
    /* Legacy timestamp encoding format. */ struct xfs_legacy_timestamp {
    __be32 t_sec; /* timestamp seconds */ __be32 t_nsec; /* timestamp nanoseconds */ };
    typedef __be64 xfs_timestamp_t;
    そんなたかだか1bitのために, umountするなんて嫌じゃないですか? bit1つぐらい実行時で立ててもいいじゃん. 理論上できるでしょ. 立ててやりましょう. kernel moduleで.

  15. 2024/10/16 15:44:42 Personal Listening Test of LAME, iTunes and Helix MP3 encoders - Page 2含むアンテナおとなりページ

    cross_stix and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.

  16. 2024/09/29 23:28:29 Jean-Marc Valin含むアンテナおとなりページ

    Jean-Marc Valin, Ph.D.

    Home Blog CV Publications Demos Presentations Software

    About me

    Jean-Marc Valin has a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Sherbrooke. He is the primary author of the Speex codec and one of the main authors of the Opus codec, both of which provide a free alternative to patented, proprietary audio codecs. He has also contributed to the Daala and AV1 video codecs. He joined the Xiph.Org Foundation in 2002, just after Speex was created. His expertise includes speech and audio coding, video coding, machine learning, echo cancellation, and other audio-related topics. He is currently employed by Google


    2024-present: Employed by Google
    2019-2024: Employed by Amazon Web Services
    2011-2019: Employed by Mozilla
    2008-2011: Employ

  17. 2024/09/11 15:47:18 Opus 1.5 Released含むアンテナおとなりページ

    allows it to run with less than 1% of a CPU core on laptops or even recent phones. Updated: Our paper on FARGAN was accepted in IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

  18. 2024/09/10 04:33:09 ecodis :: Audio Codecs含むアンテナおとなりページ

    A stereo, surround, and VR extension for EVS is currently being developed under the 3GPP work item 770024. Completion of the resulting Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS) codec, to be standardized in 3GPP specification 26.253, is planned for 2021. Update 2024 That plan had been postponed to 3GPP re­lease 18 in 2024, and the final software release after completion of the standard is now available here.
    The OPUS speech and audio codec, as specified in 2012 by the Internet Engineering Task Force in RfC 6716, is an open-source codec with surprisingly good subjective performance which, like FLAC (see above), claims to be free software. Until 2019, the encoder was being regularly improved for better quality, as could be observed here.
    page last modified in Aug. 2024, updated IVAS release t

  19. 2024/07/15 01:03:52 野菜含むアンテナおとなりページ


  20. 2024/06/25 14:23:07 Google Fonts Blog含むアンテナおとなりページ

    Monday, June 24, 2024
    Playwrite is a new font superfamily for helping students across the world learn handwriting.
    Try it out in Google Workspace/Google Classroom, or download it to your desktop from Google Fonts.
    You probably use a lot of different software tools created for learning. But have you ever considered a font to be one of them? Many people never think about where fonts come from, who creates them, or why new ones are developed—fonts tend to be in the background. Yet, they’re an absolutely crucial part of our everyday lives in and out of the classroom. Without fonts, how would we type a paper? Or send a text? How could we even use a calculator?
    Just like any other software, big font projects go through a long and complex process (we’re talking years) to become software, from res

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