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  1. 2024/03/17 22:21:03 FML: Your everyday life stories含むアンテナおとなりページ

    You deserved it 91
    You deserved it 71
    You deserved it 56
    You deserved it 162
    You deserved it 8 387
    You deserved it 101
    You deserved it 159
    You deserved it 11 411
    You deserved it 242
    You deserved it 84
    You deserved it 75
    You deserved it 76
    Kids Mental health Parents Pregnancy Weird Sexism Love Cheating Relationship advice Work Transportation Cars Relatable Neighbours Sex AITA Break-ups Dogs Animals Intimacy Awkward Death Cute Friends Miscellaneous Scary Movies Annoying Management Capitalism
    Today, I found a receipt from a lingerie store for some nice garments. When I asked my wife about it, she stammered and said it was a birthday surprise, then got mad at me for ruining it. My birthday isn't for almost ten months and she hasn't been sexual with me for years, much less spontaneous. Nice try. FML
    You deserved it 147
    Today, I bought a new pack of "feminine wipes" on my way over to my boyfriend's house after a long day of work. He saw them in my purse and sweetly told me I shouldn't be so self conscious. Later on, when he was going down on me, he said, "I take back what I said earlier." FML
    You deserved it 9 143
    Today, my girlfriend told me that she prefers to be on top because I appear skinnier than I actually am. FML
    You deserved it 282
    Today, my coworker and I agreed to come clean and tell our fellow employees that we have been secretly dating for a while. Before we could, I received a promotion. I'm now his boss. FML
    You deserved it 1 917
    Today, while at the bakeshop, I got bored waiting in line so I rested on the glass protecting the cupcakes. Turns out there was no glass. I had to pay $50 to cover all the mess and had to walk out of the bakeshop with icing all over my butt. FML
    You deserved it 79 842
    Today, I gave up my seat on the subway for an elderly man. He thanked me by grabbing my ass. FML
    You deserved it 5 261
    Today, I was written up at work for not smiling. It’s winter, therefore smiling will cause my lips to crack and bleed. I drink 8 glasses of water a day. FML
    You deserved it 133
    Today, my boyfriend of a couple of weeks mixed up my name with his ex wife's name. After he said it, he looked at me and said, "You knew it was going to happen." FML
    You deserved it 7 799