▽My Etherealmind ●10/07 22:45 EtherealMind – Aware Its Broken, I'm Working On It. Sort of.I am more worried about evil humans with AI than AI turning evil.26th June 202322nd June 202315th June 202312th June 20236th June 2023Older Posts→Packet PushersEtherealMind – Aware Its Broken, I'm Working On It. Sort of.
▽iPod LOVE ●09/15 13:36 iCloud+のストレージに6TBと12TBの大容量プランが追加される
▽My Etherealmind ●06/28 01:12 Followup: IP Multicast – Good in Theory, Bad in Reality.26th June 2023The debates around IP multicast stopped about five to ten years ago AFAICT. No one wants to deal with it anymore. In theory, IP multicast was a good idea but in the real world it was a deeply flawed.Dropbox Wasting Bandwidth silent Backup featureDisable Dropbox features to save a bandwidth and space
▽ひよこガジェンヌ ●08/29 13:46 Index of /Name Last Modified Sizecgi-bin 2022-08-29 03:21 -Proudly Served by LiteSpeed Web Server at www.hiyoko-g.com Port 80