▽Network Static ●01/14 08:53 RT @ioshints: [Blog] Feedback: Recursive BGP Next Hop Resolution https://t.co/3S11k8VzzQ 10:23:36 PM January 12, 2022 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite RT @patrickc: In Q1 2019, 39% of Stripe’s hiring was outside Bay Area and Seattle. Last quarter, it was 74%. I think the rate at which tech窶ヲ 10:21:29 PM January 12, 2022 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite
▽Network Static ●01/14 08:30 RT @ioshints: [Blog] Feedback: Recursive BGP Next Hop Resolution https://t.co/3S11k8VzzQ 10:23:36 PM January 12, 2022 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite RT @patrickc: In Q1 2019, 39% of Stripe’s hiring was outside Bay Area and Seattle. Last quarter, it was 74%. I think the rate at which tech窶ヲ 10:21:29 PM January 12, 2022 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite