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複数のFortinet製品に重大な脆弱性が発覚 悪用も確認済みのため急ぎ対処を
システム障害による大損失は「顧客企業のせい」 CrowdStrikeがデルタ航空に反訴の根拠
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I was computing arround the interwebs when Justhemes jumped in my GTalk client and said: ”Dude! This things is AWESOME!” —Yes, he was talking about SocialWhois. People who know who Chris is, wou
ライブブックマークテスト by こけし(10/18)
ライブブックマークテスト by コンプ(10/04)
テスト2 by NGMT(04/25)
This roundup was gathered through a combination of top notch Google-ing and What the Font?-ing. Midway through my travels across the internet, I stumbled upon a Web 2.0 logo font roundup, which is wor
Current style: Cygenta by Tim Baker
Monospaced with a painful palette.
CandyStefan BihlGermanyHi, I hope this CSS File is not to pink ;-) Regards StefanDownload
BlueNewton de Góes HortaBrasilMinimalis
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