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▽D-Lib Magazine ●01/08 06:06 D-Lib Magazine suspended publication of new issues in July 2017. Corporation for National Research Initiatives will continue to maintain the D-Lib Magazine archive, however, suggestions for long-term archiving are welcome, as are thoughts from the community on any alternate usage of the D-Lib brand that would benefit the research community that has been served by D-Lib's virtual pages over the las
▽Open Access Archivangelism ●01/02 10:22 Open Access Archivangelismby Stevan HarnadFriday, September 14. 2018Open Access: "Plan S" Needs to Drop "Option B"To combine Peter Suber's post with George Monbiot's: The only true cost (and service) provided by peer-reviewed research journal publishers is the management and umpiring of peer review, and this costs an order of magnitude less than the publishers extortionate fees and profits tod