▽Open Archives Forum - Home ●12/09 23:43 ▷ Pi〓ge a moustique ▷ Avis de la r〓daction et test produitHigh tech▷ Robot aspirateur laveur ▷ Avis de la r〓daction et test produit
▽ERPANET - Electronic Resource Preservation and Access Network ●11/26 16:36 In October 2004 a group of leading international scholars met at the Swiss Federal Archives under the auspices of ERPANET to examine the topic of 'Managing and archiving records in the digital era: the same discipline or a difficult partnership of two different professions'. The debate was very lively. The papers from the conference have now been revised, edited, and published as 'Managing and A
▽CLIR News ●10/29 11:54 For Your ReferenceFor Your Reference
▽CURL - Consortium of Research Libraries in the British Isles: Latest News ●09/11 18:29 WelcomeAll you need to know about joining the University this month.Undergraduate Open DaysBookings for our October and November events are now open.Vaping renders immune cells unable to move to meet threatsEven moderate exposure to nicotine-free vapour causes suppression of neutrophil’s typical activity.Majority Report: we will all commit crimes under the right circumstancesHuman beings ma