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  1. 2024/11/23 16:33:15 TheServerSide.com - News, Patterns, Reviews, Discussions, Articles, Books含むアンテナおとなりページ

    Know these top 5 Scrum antipatterns
    Embrace sprints, set clear goals, engage with customers -- these behaviors and others will help your teams avoid common Scrum antipatterns.

  2. 2015/03/24 19:27:46 XProgramming.com - an Extreme Programming Resource含むアンテナおとなりページ

    Quality-Speed Tradeoff — You’re kidding yourself.
    Some people think that there is a necessary trade-off between internal code quality, and getting things done rapidly. I believe they are q

  3. 2015/02/25 23:26:35 Java News (Javaに関する最新ニュース)含むアンテナおとなりページ

    [ EVENT ] 4月8日 Java Day Tokyo 2015 開催!
    [ BROWSER ] Firefoxのページめくりを加速さ-http://journal.mycom.co.jp/news/2010/02/02/007/index.html