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  1. 2024/06/15 08:36:37 Xfce Blog含むアンテナおとなりページ

    My journey to a new laptop enabled by Xfce donations
    June 12, 2024
    André Miranda
    I have been contributing to Xfce since about 2013. Over the years, computers have come and gone, from netbooks to desktops to laptops. Since I moved to another country, I’ve been avoiding owning a desktop for practical reasons - the less bulky my belongings, the better. Before the move, I decided to sell my aging desktop (self-built) and even older laptop (a Dell Vostro - ah, fond memories of playing GTA V at 20 FPS) for peanuts and invest in a gaming laptop.
    June 2024
    February 2022
    February 2021
    March 2020

  2. 2024/06/09 07:19:31 切り身と料理のこと含むアンテナおとなりページ

    6月 07, 2024
    6月が近づくと今年もアユの季節が来たのだと思い、各地の川の状況を調べ始める。昨今5月のうちから夏日となるのは全くいただけないけれど、暑くなり、日照りがあると、川石に苔がつく。ただしいい苔(正確には苔ではない)がついて、アユがうまくなるためには、きちんとした降雨があり、川底が磨かれており、そしてダムの影響が少ないという条件が必要だ。こんな些細な条件すら満たすことのできない川が多い。 さていくら6月になってアユ漁が解禁といっても、解禁直後のものを手に入れられる機会はそうそう巡ってこない。自分で採りに行く時間もない。そういう状況に対処する次善の策として、近年は6月に入るか入らないかという頃合いで養殖のアユを買い求めてるようにしている。あるところで育てられているすばらしいアユだ。実際に池を見に行ったのは昨年のことで、あまりに透明すぎる池の中で、何匹かのアユが立派に縄張りを主張している光景に目を奪われた。こういう養殖アユを食べていると、必ずしも天然の方が上、と単純な話ではないということが分かる。そもそも、先に述べたようによい天然というものはほとんどないわけだから、しかしよい養殖というものがどれほどあるだろうか。もちろん、よいの基準は天然のよい、である。 さて手元に届いたアユはピカピカで、重さは65から68グラムといったところ。こういう小振りな個体は背ごしやたたきに向いている。もはや暑いので、夏向きの冷や汁を作る。 まずは冷や汁に使う汁で、これはいりこの水だしがもっともよい。ただしあまりに濃いのはダメで、アユを殺さないよう薄めにする。ここにうすくち醤油を本当にわずかに加えておく。これも多すぎては全く台無しになっていけない。 アユは鱗を掻いてから、頭、内臓を除いて、氷水の中で腹のところを丁寧に洗う。骨に沿う血や腎臓をこき出し、黒い膜もぜんぶ取る。ただしやさしくやる。水気を拭き取ったら背鰭、しり鰭、腹鰭と各部の鰭を切り取り、厚さ4ミリ程度で背ごしにしていく。これをさらに粗く叩いてから、タデの刻んだものを加えてさらに叩く。完全にすり身状にはせず、ほどほどに粗さが残っていた方が食べるのが楽しい。最後にわずかの塩を振りかけてさっと混ぜ込んでおく。ミョウガを好みのように刻み、柴漬けも細かく刻む。今は刻んだものも売られているのでそれでも構わない。 炊きざましの冷や飯にアユの肉を平たく乗せ、
    6月 20241

  3. 2024/06/06 15:28:08 StatModeling Memorandum含むアンテナおとなりページ


  4. 2024/06/06 05:26:35 MATE Blog含むアンテナおとなりページ

    MATE 1.28 released
    Johannes Unruh
    2024-02-27 09:00
    MATE 1.28 Released
    It is release time once again. We worked hard to bring you the best desktop experience possible. A big thank you to all contributors who helped to make this happen.
    What’s new in MATE 1.28
    We are thrilled to announce the release of MATE Desktop 1.28, which brings a wealth of updates aimed at modernizing the codebase while ensuring stability and robustness. This release focuses on enhancing Wayland support, updating various applications, and fixing numerous bugs.
    MATE 1.28 has made significant strides in updating the codebase, including the removal of deprecated libraries and ensuring compatibility with the latest GTK versions. One of the most notable improvements is the enhanced support for Wayland, bringing us closer to a fully native MATE-Wayland experience. Several components have been updated to work seamlessly with Wayland, ensuring a more integrated and responsive desktop environment.
    The headline changes in MATE Desktop 1.28 are:
    Atril now uses libarchive for handling comics, supports webkitgtk 4.2.1, and has documented its EPUB support. Deprecated methods have been replaced with modern counterparts to improve performance and stability.
    Caja can now manage desktop icons, render backgrounds, and change backgrounds in Wayland sessions. These improvements enhance the user experience and bring greater functionality to Wayland users.
    Engrampa has introduced support for the Meson build system, switched to using unar for CPIO archives, and now supports unrar-free. These updates improve compatibility and performance.
    The Eye of MATE image viewer now supports the Meson build system and includes fixes for several build warnings, contributing to a more stable and efficient application.
    The window manager Marco has added a new setting to raise windows on the alt+tab popup and replaced various deprecated methods to ensure better performance and user experience.
    Many panel applets now support Wayland, with improvements for in-process building and specific applet functionality under Wayland. Memory leaks have been fixed, and accessibility improvements have been made.
    The control center now works in both Wayland and X11 sessions, supports the Meson build system, and includes several UI and memory leak fixes.
    Pluma has a new Quickhighlight Plugin in the pluma-plugins package.
    MATE Terminal now has Meson build system support. Copying a file from Caja into the terminal now works as expected (it inserts the file path). Additional enhancements include support for OSC 8 hyperlinks and improvements to tab management.
    Translations are updated. Thank you to our team of translators!
    The various components of MATE Desktop 1.28 are available for download here:
    More details
    Here are the gory details.
    For comics, we now use the libarchive library to unpack documents.
    Atril now supports the newest version 4.2.1 of webkitgtk.
    Did you know that Atril can display epub documents? This feature is now documented.
    Replaced various deprecated methods with their modern counterparts.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/atril/commits/master/
    Caja can now manage icons on a Wayland desktop, render the background, and change the background (Wayland support is a build option). Launch in Wayland sessions with —force-desktop to show desktop icons.
    Fixed some issues found by cppcheck.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/caja/commits/master/
    Fixed some build warnings.
    Fixed a memory leak.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/caja-actions/commits/master/
    Fixed a build warning.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/caja-dropbox/commits/master/
    Added the audio-video-properties plugin. This 2000+ lines of code change lets you view the exact properties of your media files directly in the file manager.
    For the sendto extension, we now require gupnp version 1.6.
    Some build and deprecation warning fixes.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/caja-extensions/commits/master/
    Engrampa now supports the Meson build system.
    Uses unar instead of cpio for CPIO archives.
    We now support unrar-free.
    Enhanced the codebase.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/engrampa/commits/master/
    Eye of MATE now supports the Meson build system.
    Fixed some build warnings.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/eom/commits/master/
    Fixed some memory leaks.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/libmatekbd/commits/master/
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/libmatemixer/commits/master/
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/libmateweather/commits/master/
    We added a setting to raise windows on the alt+tab popup.
    Replaced various deprecated methods with their modern counterparts.
    Some small fixes.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/marco/commits/master/
    A lot of Wayland specific commits:
    Most of the panel applets will now function under Wayland if built in-process.
    Building the applets in-process is now supported.
    The exceptions are AccessX, which relies on X11 keyboard and mouse configuration code, and Geyes, which cannot see the pointer when it is outside the panel under Wayland due to how Wayland works.
    Note that the battery applet can be used in Wayland, which is important because mate-power-manager uses a lot of X11 specific code and does not work under Wayland at this time.
    Fixed some memory leaks.
    Accessibility improvements.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-applets/commits/master/
    Fixed build warnings.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-backgrounds/commits/master/
    Fixed a memory leak.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-calc/commits/master/
    As stable as always.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-common/commits/master/
    Now works in Wayland sessions as well as X11.
    The MATE control center now supports the Meson build system.
    Some memory leak fixes.
    The UI received small improvements.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-control-center/commits/master/
    A few changes were necessary to support background handling under Wayland.
    A new ‘mate_image_menu_item’ function API was added to support image menu items with GTK3.
    Added support for Meson.
    Some dead code was removed.
    Fixed some memory leaks.
    Fixed a lot of analyzer warnings.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-desktop/commits/master/
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-icon-theme/commits/master/
    Mouse middle-click is now supported.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-indicator-applet/commits/master/
    Now supports Wayland as a build-time option. Behavior is almost identical in X11 and Wayland.
    Added Meson build system support.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-media/commits/master/
    Fixed some build warnings.
    Added Meson build system support.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-menus/commits/master/
    Some maintenance updates.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-netbook/commits/master/
    Some improvements on Wayland.
    Only exit on idle when explicitly requested.
    Fixed some memory leaks.
    Translations update.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-notification-daemon/commits/master/
    New for 1.28 is a working window list under Wayland, and the tray applet can now display indicators under wayland, notably network-manager-applet when it is launched with —indicator. Traditional tray icons not displayed as they use Xembed which is not supported in wayland.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-panel/commits/master/
    Now with Meson support.
    Prefer Ayatana AppIndicator when building.
    Fixed a segfault on Wayland.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-polkit/commits/master/
    Now with Meson support.
    Replaced some deprecated functions.
    Some Wayland compatibility changes.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-power-manager/commits/master/
    Fixed a lot of warnings.
    Fixed some memory leaks.
    Added a prompt-driven authentication helper.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-screensaver/commits/master/
    The sensors applet can now be used in a Wayland session’s panel as well as under X11 if built in-process (as needed for Wayland).
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-sensors-applet/commits/master/
    Fixed some memory leaks.
    Fixed a crash (double-free).
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-session-manager/commits/master/
    Now uses GDBus instead of dbus-glib.
    Fixed a memory leak.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-settings-daemon/commits/master/
    Now with Meson support.
    Enabled systemd by default.
    Improved user interface.
    Fixed some user settings not being saved.
    Complete changelog at https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-system-monitor/commits/master/
    New for 1.28 is a bugfix to allow launching X11 applica

  5. 2024/05/24 22:36:21 GUNMAGISGEEK含むアンテナおとなりページ


  6. 2024/04/28 06:39:59 Ubuntu MATE Blog含むアンテナおとなりページ

    Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS Release Notes
    Release Announcement 2024-04-23 Martin Wimpress
    Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS Release Notes
    Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS Release Notes

  7. 2024/04/27 12:34:52 Lubuntu Blog含むアンテナおとなりページ

    25 Apr
    Lubuntu 24.04 LTS Released!
    Thanks to the hard work from our contributors, Lubuntu 24.04 LTS has been released. With the codename Noble Numbat, Lubuntu 24.04 is the 26th release of Lubuntu, the 12th release of Lubuntu with LXQt as the default desktop environment.
    Download and Support Lifespan
    With Lubuntu 24.04 being a long-term support interim release, it will follow the standard LTS support period of three years, and will be supported until April 2027.
    You can download Lubuntu 24.04 here. If you would like to upgrade your existing 23.10 installation, please visit our manual page describing the process. Common Ubuntu instructions can be found here.
    New in 24.04
    Try or Install Screen
    Lubuntu now ships an attractive "installer prompt", which provides a simple, intuitive, and beautiful environment from which to connect to the Internet, set your desired language, and choose to Try or Install Lubuntu. If you select a different language and choose to Try Lubuntu, the live session will automatically be updated for that language.
    System Installer
    Customize Menu
    Traditionally, installing Lubuntu only provides a regular installation mode (a single option for installs). This changes with Lubuntu 24.04, where you can now pick between Normal, Full, and Minimal. A Normal installation gives you a traditional Lubuntu experience. The Minimal mode ships with just the desktop environment and essential components (no web browser or snapd). A Full installation is the same as Normal, but comes with several recommended third-party apps:
    Virtual Machine Manager
    In addition, you can choose to download and install updates during the installation procedure rather than having to install them afterwards. This can help speed up the installation process and get you up-and-running quicker.
    OEM Installation Mode
    Since our transition to LXQt over five years ago, we've been notably missing one very useful feature – an OEM installation mode. In the past, it was possible to install and configure Lubuntu on a system, then prepare it for shipping to an end-user. This is useful for hardware manufacturers or people giving a computer to someone else, but is not functionality we retained.
    We are pleased to report that the OEM installer has made a comeback in Lubuntu 24.04.
    If you're looking to sell, provision, or donate hardware with Lubuntu preinstalled, the OEM installation mode is meant for you. OEM installation is exactly the same as normal installation, except for the user account created at install time is a temporary OEM user rather than a permanent user. After installation, you can:
    log in
    install or remove software
    run tests
    configure settings
    Once the system is configured properly, you can activate the "Prepare for shipping to end user" icon on the desktop, confirm that you are finished configuring the system, shut the computer down, and then send it to its intended destination. When the user receives it and powers it on, they will be shown a first-boot setup screen allowing them to configure their own user account.
    You can activate OEM installation mode by selecting "OEM install (for manufacturers)" in the ISO boot menu. Alternatively, you can boot the ISO normally, click Try Lubuntu, and then launch the OEM installer from the Application Menu > System > Install Lubuntu 24.04 LTS (OEM mode).
    Applications and Utilities
    It's not often that we add new utilities to Lubuntu, but this cycle we added several new applications to our default install, providing several new and powerful features we think you'll enjoy using.
    Bluetooth Management
    We now ship Blueman as our Bluetooth manager. This provides a convenient system tray icon for managing bluetooth devices. If your system is Bluetooth-enabled, a status icon will automatically appear in the toolbar.
    SDDM Configuration Editor
    Have you always wanted to configure the login screen? Good news, you now can! The SDDM configuration editor allows you to modify the login screen settings, changing the theme used, adjusting the reboot and shutdown commands used, and much more.
    Software Updater
    Our previous software update installer has been replaced by a new-and-improved utility, "Lubuntu Update". The UI has been substantially revamped, update notifications have been integrated into the system better, and you can now manually check for updates and install them whenever you want.
    If you are one of the many users that benefit from having a night color mode on your system, you'll be happy to hear that Lubuntu now ships a night color feature via Redshift-Qt. You can enable it by running Redshift from the application menu.
    Picom Configuration Utility
    Lubuntu is the lightest official Ubuntu flavor. That is by design – we try to keep things small, sleek, and clean, rather than big, heavy, and fancy. This commitment to a lightweight experience is most evident in our lack of fancy desktop effects.
    What if you actually want some fancy desktop effects?
    With the Picom Configuration utility, you can now easily enable window transparency, titlebar transparency, shadows, and fade-in/fade-out effects on your desktop, and more. Note that changes made in this utility will require you to log out and log back in before they take effect.
    Thanks to the efforts of our team and the work of other open-source artists and designers, we have significantly refreshed the artwork in Lubuntu 24.04:
    The wallpaper and login screen have been refreshed with images designed specifically for Lubuntu 24.04.
    The Lubuntu Manual icon has been refreshed.
    For those who like to customize their desktop, you can install the lxqt-themes-extra package to get two new LXQt themes (win-eleven-dark and sombre-et-rond).
    Known Bugs
    Calamares installer lacks a way to install proprietary drivers: Bug #1825286
    lubuntu/xubuntu reinstall (& install) on dual boot system, grub does appear & offer OS choice: Bug #2060624
    Calamares automatically creates swapfile with manual partitioning without any warning: Bug #2062060
    missing option to erase and use the whole drive: Bug #2059907
    Calamares fails to install on logical volume on several conditions when using Manual Partitioning: Bug #2061123
    changing monitor configuration & on next login, only one monitor is fully usable to LXQt: Bug #2013074
    Keyboard layout is ignored: Bug #2047295
    The network manager tray application silently fails on incorrect passwords: Bug #1865949
    Common Release Notes
    Please also check the Ubuntu Release Notes for more common issues and bugs affecting all Ubuntu flavors.
    What is Lubuntu?
    Lubuntu is an official Ubuntu flavor which uses the Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment (LXQt). The project’s goal is to provide a lightweight yet functional Linux distribution based on a rock-solid Ubuntu base. Lubuntu provides a simple but modern and powerful graphical user interface, and comes with a wide variety of applications so you can browse, email, chat, play, and be productive. You can find the following major applications and toolkits installed by default in this release:
    LXQt 1.4.0
    Qt 5.15.13
    Mozilla Firefox as shipped in the snap package, the version present on the ISO is version 125.0.2.
    LibreOffice 24.2.2
    VLC 3.0.20
    Featherpad 1.4.1
    Discover Software Center 5.27.11
    You can find a variety of other applications installed which aim to enhance your experience while staying out of the way of your normal workflow. New features and bugfixes in core Ubuntu components can be found here.
    Lubuntu Manual
    The Lubuntu Team has been hard at work in polishing the Lubuntu Manual to make it easy for new and experienced users alike to use their system more productively. The manual can be found at manual.lubuntu.me. We want to thank Lyn Perrine for all the hard work she has put into the Lubuntu Manual. Thank you! Versions of the Lubuntu Manual:
    Stable for Lubuntu 24.04 LTS.
    LTS for Lubuntu 22.04 LTS.
    Development (always WIP)
    Need help quickly? The Lubuntu Manual can be accessed via the “Lubuntu Manual” desktop icon.
    Lubuntu Project
    How can I help?
    We can always use more help! No matter your skill level or your technical experience, there’s something you can help with that can make a huge difference in Lubuntu. Join us on our chat (which is bridged three ways to Matrix, Telegram, and IRC) and talk to us there. Whether you know another language, have some spare time to help us test Lubuntu, are good at writing documentation, or just want to stay “in the know,” that is the place to be. More information about contributing can be found here. If you want to contribute to Lubuntu but do not feel you have the time or skills, consider buying a t-shirt or donating to Lubuntu. Another great method to get involved is bug reporting. If you notice an issue, please file a bug using the instructions on the Lubuntu Wiki. Don’t want to file a bug? Let us know what the problem is (in detail, enough that we can reproduce it) and we can assist you in filing one or do it ourselves.
    We would like to thank the following contributors for dedicating their time to Lubuntu this cycle. Thank you!
    Simon Quigley
    Aaron Rainbolt
    Walter Lapchynski
    Lyn Perrine
    Dan Simmons
    Chris Guiver
    Thomas Ward
    Leó Kolbeinsson
    Rik Mills
    Erich Eickmeyer
    Many more contributors!
    Global Team
    The Lubuntu Global Team has been created to foster communities in non-English languages and locales. An up-to-date list of our communities can be found on our Links page, but the existing groups include: Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Chinese, German, Japanese, Arabic, and French. If you would like to start a language group, join our development channel and talk with the Global Team. At minimum, you should have a few interested drivers of the community, and at least one administrator that speaks English. We now have multiple languages available in the support section of our Discourse forum.
    Simon Quigley Posted in final, release 24.04, lubuntu, noble, Noble Numbat
    Lubuntu 24.0

  8. 2024/04/23 06:43:04 日本湖沼めぐり含むアンテナおとなりページ

    冬の風景 開く/閉じる
    2024/04/21 「通り池」を追加。

  9. 2024/04/20 13:21:54 LXQt Blog含むアンテナおとなりページ

    As LXQt 2.0 has been released and includes Wayland-specific codes for the first time,

  10. 2024/04/03 01:07:05 This is Life!含むアンテナおとなりページ

    noreply@blogger.com (Anonymous)Tue, 19 Mar 2024 12:55:46 +0900Blogger http://www.blogger.com2603125http://cyclothone.blogspot.com/en-usnonoreply@blogger.comhttp://cyclothone.blogspot.com/2018/05/512.htmlオリーブガーデニングクレマチスバラ開花noreply@blogger.com (Anonymous)Sat, 12 May 2018 10:35:00 +0900tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-6605288868029964988.post-5597796962944424519<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
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